Zachary Surgett

Front End Web Developer

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About Me

Hi, I’m Zach!

I am a 19 year old front end web developer/designer that is looking for remote work. I am completely self-taught and very hard working. I have been programming with web languages for three years now, and I never want to stop. Within the first few months of learning to create even the most basic webpages, I knew that this is what I wanted to do for a career, and I've been working towards that goal ever since. I love programming, and I hope you think I could be an asset to you.

Fun facts about me:

I can solve a rubik’s cube in 30 seconds (my record is 24 seconds).
I was homeschooled for my high school years.
I am completely self-taught.
I love everything and anything sci-fi (Doctor Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, Star Wars, and Star Trek).

My Skills





C# & Visual Studio

Atom Text Editor

Some of the Cool Stuff I've Made

Word Clock

A functional Word Clock that I made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Motivational Quote Generator

A helpful motivational tool for when you need a bit of a boost.

Star Wars Text Crawl

A Star Wars text crawl that I made after the release of Episode VII.

Collatz Conjecture Project

My attempt at creating the Collatz function with only web technology.